I got interviewed for our local Mom's group. It was so very nice of them to think of me for this, and I hope I didn't ruin things by being a bit more snarkily humorous than sappy. Here's a copy of the interview:
When and why did you join the Mom's group?? I joined in the summer of 2006. We had just moved here from San Diego, and I was knee deep in moving boxes and freaking out over the weather- when I bumped into Lori XXX. She took pity on me and suggested I join - best thing I ever did!
What is most rewarding about your involvement with the Mom's group? There are so many things. First, for a new girl in town- there is no better way to acclimate yourself. I love the forums--- and I’ve gotten great advice on where to go out to eat, where to vacation- a good pediatric dentist- it’s great. On a more personal note, the friends I have made are without a doubt, the absolute best part. My little Friday playgroup and monthly outing to Cooking Club keep me sane.
Where were you born? Where did you grow up? I was born in Clifton, New Jersey. My Dad was a Colonel in the Air Force, so I’ve lived in many different places: Texas, Virginia, Hawaii, Southern California and New York.
How long have you lived in Houston? A little over a year. It took me a bit to adjust, but now I really love living here. The Tree Roaches still freak me out, though.
What is your husband’s name-please feel free to
fill in what you like or find interesting about him
e.g. how long married, where you met, occupation,
quirks etc...
My husband’s name is Matt. He’s completing a fellowship, and he works a ton. Some of my friends think he’s a figment of my imagination- but I promise you! He does exist. We’ve been married 11 years. I met Matt in high school; we’ve been together since I was 16. He taught me how to drive, and don’t tell anyone- but he used to bake me cookies during my finals in college. You guys should see our prom picture- it’s hilarious.
Tell me about your children. My daughter Annie is four. She likes to pretend she is either Winnie the Pooh or Peter Pan. She imagines she has her own Food Network show (really!) and makes friends wherever she goes. Lucy turned 2 this October. Lucy is quite fond of the color purple, afraid of pirates, thinks everyday is Tuesday, and thoroughly enjoys preschool. She’s also quite the Cinderella aficionado.
What are some things you like to do as a family? We go out for breakfast every Sunday- usually to Café Brasil or Empire. Afterwards, we hit one of the parks, or go the YMCA pool. I feel very strongly about having the family eat dinner together. Sometimes that can be rough with Matt’s schedule, but we frequently bring dinner in to the hospital and have our family time there. I can’t believe I am admitting this in public, but we also play games together- our current favorite is a Disney DVD Bingo- you guys have to check this out! I’m embarrassed to admit that Matt and I can be quite competitive with our after-dinner family bingo games. It’s all about the blackout, y’all!
How would you describe your parenting style? I think parenting is like that Bill Murray movie, “Groundhog Day.” Every day, you wake up to the same exact thing you did yesterday---- but what worked for you yesterday, doesn’t work today. You’ve got to constantly change up your game. I am blessed with very unique children- so the average parenting book doesn’t really fly in our house. I always struggle with the issue of “when do you let them go and try things for themselves and when do you let them depend on you?” I’ve got one very dependent child, and one very independent one- so it’s not a “one size fits all” parenting method here. I’m always on the lookout for something new.
Do you remind yourself of your mom and how? Yes, when I’m yelling at my kids and call them by their full names. Just kidding! Ok, not really- I think my Mom only gave me a middle name so I could gauge how mad she was when she called me in for dinner. My Mom did an excellent job of being a stay-at-home Mom, but also not comprising her entire identity on being a Mom. I hope I can do the same for my girls. I’m trying- but it’s easy to get obsessed with poopie diapers and eating habits.
What are some of the values that you want your
children to learn? My husband has this incredible quality of being absolutely brilliant, but having this amazing work ethic. I hope this passes down to my girls. I want them to value hard work. I want them to have integrity, and a good sense of who they are and not be manipulated by celebrities that don’t wear underwear or can’t read a map. I want them to have compassion, and a good sense of humor, and find beauty and joy in their every day life. I also want them to take very good care of me when I’m old.
How has having a family changed you? If you had told me four years ago that I would be driving a Honda Odyssey, frequently go out in public in my yoga pants with no makeup and would consider showering every day a major accomplishment I would tell you that you must have been drinking.
What do you enjoy most about being a mother? The snuggles. The belly laughs. The unconditional love. The excuse to eat macaroni and cheese.
What is your most challenging aspect of being a
mother? The power struggles. Raising strong independent women can be fun, but they make for pretty difficult toddlers.
Favorite thing to do in the area. With or without family. There is so much to do in this city. It seems like every day, I get to have an adventure with my girls. It can be something as simple as meeting friends at the YMCA pool, browsing through Central Market, checking out the Natural History Museum, going bowling at Palace Lanes, or hanging out at Café Brasil- but I’ve really grown to truly love Houston. I’m also madly in love with the Hyatt Lost Pines, and think my dinner at the Roundtop Café is in the top five best meals of my life.
How do you take time for yourself? My Lucy just started going to preschool this fall, so I have 3 mornings a week all to myself. At first I had no clue what to do with myself, but I am slowly adjusting.
Hobbies? I read a lot- on average, 3-4 books a week. I also love to cook, and am blessed with a husband and children that like to eat. A little known hobby is I also have a blog- that I’m surprised to say, is gaining in readers every day, but I will not mention it here for fear you will actually read it.
Anything you'd like to add?? Nothing, but thank you so much for asking me to do this- and can I give a little shout out to my playgroup? “Wooohooo! Kirstin/Adrienne/Martha/Stacy/Alisa and Allison!” Oh yes, and if anyone wants to come over for a mean game of Disney Bingo, you are most welcome.
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