Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Holy Stat Counter, Batman!

Wow. If I knew that by posting a picture of Colin Firth dressed as Fitzwilliam Darcy would increase the traffic on my blog by a gazillion- I would have done it a long time ago. I have this little stat counter that lets me see how much traffic I get (don't worry, I can't actually see YOU, just your city and state- but what a cool idea! Nice jammies) and it's always a cool thing when I see folks from other countries.

After the Colin Firth post- Lollyblogger's passport got some action (mine, sadly to date, has only been to Canada and Mexico). A few folks in London (eat some Cadburys for me and do you guys still watch East Enders?), Australia, Romania, Russia, Italy, Canada, Mexico, Turkey (I think that was you, Katie?) and my honeymooning friends in Thailand. Also, I'm embarrassed to say, I had to look up where the Republic of Moldova was--- hello landlocked country in between the Ukraine and Romania!

In the event anyone not from the US is actually reading this, and not looking for pictures of Colin Firth or Anthony Bourdain, I feel the need to set the record straight on a few things.

Not all American women are overly endowed in the posterior, with muscular armpits and ankles. (Quite a few of us are, but I hate to stereotype).

Not everyone goes six months without acquiring the services of a babysitter. Just American mommies that are clinically insane and need some lithium and a vacation in an institution.

Not all American playdates result in the complete destruction of your humble abode- but I do recommend hiding your contraceptives in a better hiding place than a nightstand drawer. Otherwise, you'll be trying to make some very silly balloon animals.

In any event, thank you to each and every lurker that has somehow stumbled their way here, even if it was only by a google-accident. I'm having a blast with my blog- and I can't wait to get in touch with my new Texas friends from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area that graciously sent me messages--- I'm having trouble finding your email!

Oh, and for grins and chuckles- here's Colin Firth one more time:


Anonymous said...

you are too funny! and anytime you want to put Mr. Firth in your blog you go right ahead!! I, for one, will always be happy to see his lovely face. (btw - have you read "Me and Mr. Darcy"? very cute chick-lit I have that I've been meaning to send you)
Keep up the good work! La

Weintribe said...

do you mean MY email? ;)

I'd post it, but don't want the good people of Moldova leaving me a trillion emails talking about my penis size. Such that it is NOT.

So...how do we get in touch?

Perhaps you can google my biz name? once there-click on "contact us"-and viola! An email address!

of course-that sends you to an assistant, who will then forward it to me.

and then, we chat. because my friends and I? we stalk your blog.

and I thought of you while in my pilates class today, and your instructor that suggests you spit out your morning muffin bites.


Anonymous said...

colin firth is this amazing <3
love him in pride and prejustice...