Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Growing Pains

I took Annie to our local elementary school to drop off her registration packet for kindergarten. She strutted down the halls, telling me how big she is now, and how excited she is for next year. She made the school secretary guffaw by announcing to everyone in the local vicinity that she is now 5 1/2, and more than ready to go to kindergarten. The secretary shot me a secret look of glee that quickly turned to pity when she noticed that I was about to lose my swizzle shit.

I'm not a crier. I'm not an emotional person. In fact, during moments of drama or high stress, I'm more apt to make an inappropriate joke or giggle than to burst into tears. I'm not being insensitive, it's just how I do things. Tell me my Mom has a brain tumor? We're going to immediately start making hairstyle jokes. (true story). Cat dying in the backyard and my girlfriend crushes up drugs to sedate her before I can get her to the vet? I think I'm being punked as a storyline for Desperate Housewives.

So it mostly surprised me that this little jaunt to the school office would affect me so much. It sounds so cliche, but it just seems like it's going so, so fast. Her elementary school smells EXACTLY like my elementary school--- Elmers glue, stinky sneakers and construction paper. But the kids look so BIG, so much more (stupid word here) sophisticated. I know the next logical step is to have Annie put a ban on all things Disney Princess and move on to slutty Hannah Montana, but I feel like (especially with girls) that we are at a crossroads to keep our children as young as humanly possible.

And ironically, this school trip taught me that I'm the one that has to mature a little bit.


Stephanie D. said...

OK - delurking here to leave a comment. You are right on the money! Our kids grow up TOO fast and you are wise to keep her as young as possible. My oldest son turned 19 yesterday! 19 - GACK! How can I possibly have a 19 year old?? I'm only 19 myself (in my head).... oh well... keep your baby close as you can and enjoy every minute b/c those minutes will fly by! *sigh*


Heather said...

Oh no, im almost tearing up just thinking about sending Thais to school. Just find a way to freeze time for all of us.

Kristie said...

The day before my kids started school for the first time was the one (and only) time I considered home-schooling, just because it made me so sad. Then I learned the beauty of going out to breakfast with grownups .... suddenly, my sadness was cured. :)

Anonymous said...

And you think YOU'RE unemotional. I need to turn in my Mommy card for only feeling glee at the lowered childcare bills in the fall once my 3rd, youngest, and only girl starts kindergarten.

I feel like I *should* feel sentimental (hell, she's my youngest! She's my baby! She's my girl!) but I don't.

My children are so going to need therapy.

Laurel said...

Love that school smell ... and the oversized backpacks for little guys. Came by your blog via Perlman's ... and my nickname until college was Lolly - so I couldn't resist a peek. You write well and are fuuuuunny!

Anonymous said...

I can't even think about it - I tear up every time Ian says things like, "Mommy! I'm this close (holding his fingers to almost touching) to kindergarten!" He is beyond excited about starting, getting to walk to school....