I must confess. During Matt's weekend birthday extravaganza, we "happened" to be in Costco when they "unloaded" a new shipment of Wii's and we bit the birthday bullet and "brought" one home. (i.e Matt waited in the car with the kids while I was suposed to be buying a handsfree phone thingie and I picked this up too).
This thing kicks some serious ass.
Now, anytime we have a visitor, my kids bully them into bowling with them, so my 2 year old and 4 year old can wipe the kitchen floor with their Miis. It's getting kind of embarrassing. My 2 year old's virtual bowling is becoming so accurate, she barely even looks before tossing strike after strike.
I'm now jonesing for a Wii Fit and of course, my own Rock Band. Because if my family can rock it out like we can bowl? Lucy will be the new lead singer for Van Halen before she hits kindergarten.
welcome to the Wii family! Ian is the same way...he's got his pro in bowling and it is too cute.
The Wii Fit is really cool as well. Next time you are in Target ask if they have any behind the counter (in electronics dept). When we got ours it was there and they told us they generally don't put them out on the floor -
Hurray! I feel validated to hear of other family's Wii addictions. I give Rock Band a HUGE thumbs up. It's addicting.
I also confess to owning Dance, Dance Revolution - exclusively for my use. I try and close the curtains so none of my neighbors can catch my antics. Not pretty!
Happy Wii - ing!
wii is awesome...so say my kids 5, 9, 12. We purchaased one as we were not going on a vacation. We have had lots of fun. My older two have created some crazy looking miis who appear in other games as spectators and referees. My 5-year-old is also the king of bowling. He unlocked some new levels last week.
I have used one a few times and they seem great! Happy for ya!
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