The roadtrip is done. At long last! I wrapped a bunch of small presents, and thought I had timed it to deliver them out to the anklebiters every hour and a half or so, to help break up the time. 15 minutes into the trip, my 2 year old had the ultimate freak out and my well prepared treasure chest was almost empty.
Highlights of the trip?
The Liberty Bar in San Antonio. As opposed to eating nonstop Sonic and Mickey D's, we splurged on a delicious dinner at this falling down house in a random part of town. I had a roasted hazelnut salad with fresh parm and a slice of lime buttermilk pie for dessert.
Leapsters. Keep kids occupied for long periods of time. Thank you Leapfrog. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Big brothers that can cook. Tom made a stuffed flank steak & a grilled shrimp orzo salad.
Portable DVD players. As my kids were transfixed by "Finding Nemo"- Matt and I had this conversation:
Matt: Did you ever realize Nemo is actually in very little of this movie?
Me: Wow. You're right. It's just like "Saving Private Ryan." But with fish.
Matt: I wonder if that was on purpose. Do you want Sonic or McDonalds for lunch?
And scene!
Leapster's are addictive. I offer up my 3 year old as evidence. Congrats - welcome to Cali.
Evan & Robin
You made it! Woo hoo! I'm so happy for you (sad that you are now on the opposite side of the country though). Can't wait to hear all the gory details! Call when you can. Big hugs to the girls and Matt.
OMgosh jules comment is so true! i just saw the two of you in a car and everything, lol!
I dug out my leap frog in hope dd would like it this time.
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